98 research outputs found

    The relationship between H. pylori infection and lung cancer cross sectional study

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is a common disease and leads to many gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. It is suspected that one of these respiratory diseases is lung cancer. Methods: sixty patients with lung cancer and one hundred twenty control subjects have been included to this study. All enrolled subjects (lung cancer patients and controls) underwent a15 minute, lateral flow immunoassay for the qualitative detection of IgG antibodies anti-H. Pylori in human serum (CTK Biotech, Inc USA) and a lateral immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of H. Pylori antigen in human fecal specimen (CTK Biotech,Inc USA) , A p value of <0.05 was considered as significant. The statistical data analysis was performed with SPSS 22. . Results: The H.pylori seropositivity was (41 /60) (68.3) %in patients with lung cancer but only (16/ 120) (13.3) %in controls and this difference in H.pylori seropositivity between cancers and controls was statistically significant P<0.016. The odds ratio for the association of H.pylori and lung cancer was 3.6 (95% CI =1.24 – 4.8), The H.pylori stool antigen was (22/60) (36.7) % in patients with lung cancer but only (14/120) (11.7) %there is statistically significant P<0.001. Conclusion increase the prevalence of H.pylori seropositivity was (68.3) %in patients with lung cancer more than  in normal controls (13.3) %

    An Enhanced Approach of Image Steganographic Using Discrete Shearlet Transform and Secret Sharing

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                   في الآونة الأخيرة، جعل الإنترنت المستخدمين قادرين على نقل الوسائط الرقمية بطريقة أسهل. على الرغم من هذه السهولة للإنترنت، إلا أنه قد تؤدي إلى العديد من التهديدات التي تتعلق بسرية محتويات الوسائط المنقولة مثل مصادقة الوسائط والتحقق من تكاملها. لهذه الأسباب ، يتم استخدام أساليب إخفاء البيانات والتشفير لحماية محتويات الوسائط الرقمية. في هذه الورقة البحثية ، تم اقتراح طريقة معززة لإخفاء المعلومات بالصور مع التشفير المرئي. يتم تشفير الشعار السري (صورة ثنائية) بالحجم (128 × 128) عن طريق تطبيق التشفير البصري (2 out 2 share) لتوليد مشاركتين سريتين. أثناء عملية التضمين ، يتم تقسيم الصورة غطاء RGB بحجم (512 × 512) إلى ثلاث طبقات (الأحمر والأخضر والأزرق). يتم تحويل الطبقة الزرقاء باستخدام التحويل Shearlet المتقطع للحصول على معاملاتها. يتم تضمين المشاركة السرية الأولى في معاملات الطبقة الزرقاء المحولة للحصول على صورة الاخفاء. في عملية الاستخراج ، يتم استخراج المشاركة السرية الأولى من معاملات الطبقة الزرقاء لصورة الاخفاء وثم يتم تطبيق عملية XOR عليها مع المشاركة السرية الثانية لإنشاء الشعار السري الأصلي. وفقًا للنتائج التجريبية ، فإن الطريقة المقترحة قد حققت افضل نسبة من عدم الوضوح لصورة الاخفاء بقدرة الحمولة الصافية تساوي (1 bpp). أصبح الشعار السري أكثر أمانًا باستخدام التشفير المرئي (2 out 2 share)  والمشاركة السرية الثانية كمفتاح خاص ايضاً.  Recently, the internet has made the users able to transmit the digital media in the easiest manner. In spite of this facility of the internet, this may lead to several threats that are concerned with confidentiality of transferred media contents such as media authentication and integrity verification. For these reasons, data hiding methods and cryptography are used to protect the contents of digital media. In this paper, an enhanced method of image steganography combined with visual cryptography has been proposed. A secret logo (binary image) of size (128x128) is encrypted by applying (2 out 2 share) visual cryptography on it to generate two secret share. During the embedding process, a cover red, green, and blue (RGB) image of size (512x512) is divided into three layers (red, green and blue). The blue layer is transformed using Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST) to obtain its coefficients. The first secret share is embedded at the coefficients of transformed blue layer to obtain a stego image. At extraction process, the first secret share is extracted from the coefficients of blue layer of the stego image and XORed with the second secret share to generate the original secret logo. According to the experimental results, the proposed method is achieved better imperceptibility for the stego image with the payload capacity equal to (1 bpp). In addition, the secret logo becomes more secured using (2 out 2 share) visual cryptography and the second secret share as a private key


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    Objective: Easy and precise methods were developed for estimation of aspirin (ASP), impurities from such as salicylic acid (SAL) and heavy metal ions (HMI) in ASP tablets that available in the Iraqi’s market using High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), UV–VIS spectrophotometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometric (AAS). Methods: HPLC separation was carried out using C18 as stationary phase and acetonitrile (ACN): water in the ratio of (10: 90 v/v) as a mobile phase for HPLC method and as a solvent for UV-VIS spectrophotometric for quantitative ASP and SAL at 254 nm for HPLC, 226 and 296 nm for UV measurements. AAS was used for HMI determination. Results: ASP and SAL gave absorbance maxima at 226 and 296 nm in ACN: H2O solvent. The Beer’s law was obeyed in the range of 0.05-20 for ASP and 0.02-8 µg/ml for SAL. Correlation coefficients (R2) were 0.9996 and 0.9992 for ASP and SAL respectively, for HPLC and LOD value was 0.006 for ASP and 0.004 μg/ml for SAL. The % recovery for the developed method was found to be in the range of (98.80 to 101.26%) and (98.67 to 103.33%) for ASP and SAL respectively, within the acceptable range, that approved by world health organization (WHO). Conclusion: The proposed method can help research studies, quality control and routine analysis with lesser resources available. The results of the assay of pharmaceutical formulation of the developed method are highly reliable and reproducible and is in good agreement with the label claim of the medicines

    Removal of Nickel and Cadmium Ions from Wastewater by Sorptive Flotation: Single and Binary systems

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    The removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by sorptive flotation using Amberlite IR120 as a resin, and flotation column, was investigated. A combined two-stage process is proposed as an alternative of the heavy metals removal from aqueous solutions. The first stage is the sorption of heavy metals onto Amberlite IR120 followed by dispersed-air flotation. The sorption of metal ions on the resin, depending on contact time, pH, resin dosage, and initial metal concentration was studied in batch method .Various parameters such as pH, air flow rate, and surfactant concentration were investigated in the flotation stage. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and Hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HTAB) were used as anionic and cationic surfactant respectively. The sorption process, which is PH dependent, shows maximum removal of metal ions at pH 7. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm expressions were found to give both a good fit to the experimental data. Kinetic data correlated well with Lagergren second order kinetic model, and flotation step enhanced the removal efficiency of nickel and cadmium from wastewater from about 75% to 94% and reduce turbidity so it can dispense with the filtering process, which is expensive technology. It is believed that flotation separation has great potential as a clean water and wastewater treatment technology

    Two-level scheduling scheme for integrated 4G-WLAN network

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    In this paper, a novel scheduling scheme for the Fourth Generation (4G)-Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) network is proposed to ensure that end to end traffic transaction is provisioned seamlessly. The scheduling scheme is divided into two stages; in stage one, traffic is separated into Actual Time Traffic (ATT) and Non-Actual-Time Traffic (NATT), while in stage two, complex queuing strategy is performed. In stage one, Class-Based Queuing (CBQ) and Deficit Round Robin (DRR) are used for NATT and ATT applications, respectively to separate and forward traffic themselves according to source requirements. Whereas in the stage, two Control Priority Queuing (CPQ) is used to assign each class the appropriate priority level. Evaluation of the performance of the integrated network was done according to several metrics such as end-to-end delay, jitter, packet loss, and network’s throughput. Results demonstrate major improvements for AT services with minor degradation on NAT applications after implementing the new scheduling scheme

    Evaluation of The Quality Nutrition Services in Health Centers in Babylon Province

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    المقدمة: تأثر نظام الرعاية الصحية في العراق بشكل كبير بأحداث العقود القليلة الماضية. كما أدت آثار الحروب المختلفة والصراعات الداخلية والعقوبات الدولية وعدم الاستقرار السياسي إلى تدمير الأمة ونظام الرعاية الصحية فيها. طرق العمل: هذه دراسة مقطعية أجريت في 23 مركزا صحيا تم اختيارها عشوائيًا (أخذ عينات عشوائي متعدد المراحل) في محافظة بابل. تم جمع البيانات خلال الفترة التي تبدأ من الثالث من يناير 2021 حتى الأول من مارس 2021. النتائج: أظهرت هذه الدراسة أن 87.0٪ من المراكز الصحية لم يكن بها كادر طبي مدرب على برامج التغذية وفقاً لنفس المعايير. في حين أن 95.7٪ من المراكز الصحية لديها كوادر صحية مدربة على برامج التغذية وفق المعايير. أما فيما يتعلق بتقييم أداء مزود خدمات التغذية، فقد أظهرت الدراسة أن معظم المراكز الصحية لديها درجات متوسطة لمعظم المؤشرات. الاستنتاجات: أظهرت الدراسة الحالية أن خدمات التغذية كانت معتدلة في المراكز الصحية، على الرغم من توافر المكملات الغذائية والإرشادات والسجلات في معظم المراكز الصحية.Background: The healthcare system in Iraq has been significantly affected by the events of the last few decades. The effects of various wars, internal conflicts, international sanctions, and political instability had also devastated the nation and its healthcare system. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study done at 23 randomly chosen (multistage random sampling) health centers in Babylon Province. Data were gathered during the period beginning from the third of January 2021 until the first of March 2021. Results: This study demonstrates that 87.0% of health centers had no medical staff trained in nutrition programs according to standards. While 95.7% of HCs had health staff trained in nutrition programs according to the same standards. As for the evaluation of nutrition services provider's performance, the study showed that most health centers had moderate scores for most indicators. Conclusion: The current study showed that nutrition services were moderate in the health centers, despite the availability of supplements, guidelines and registers in most health centers

    E-entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours in the United Arab Emirates: an empirical investigation in the digital transformation era

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    Purpose This paper aims to understand in-depth the electronic entrepreneurial intentions (EEI) towards launching online start-ups in United Arab Emirates (UAE) by exploring the effect of perceived entrepreneurial culture and risk propensity on EEI amongst the youth in the country, additionally, exploring the differences (if existed) amongst intentions based on gender categories. Design/methodology/approach This study developed a theoretical framework based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to examine perceived entrepreneurial culture, risk propensity and the moderating role of gender. The researchers followed the partial least squares in structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The collected responses of 250 online surveys were analysed using the SmartPLS 3.3 software. Findings The results showed a significant positive influence of risk propensity and perceived entrepreneurial culture on EEI in the UAE. Interestingly, despite that many prior studies showing a significant impact of gender e-EI, the analysis showed no differences between male and female responses regarding EEI. More results are demonstrated in the study. Originality/value To the best of the authors\u27 knowledge, this study is considered the first in the UAE which investigates empirically the factors that influence youth intentions to launch online start-ups and entrepreneurial ventures in the country. In addition, the results of this study contribute to the relevant literature by adding rich insights into the moderating role of gender in the relationship between perceived entrepreneurial culture and the three constructs of TPB, namely attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control, in order to start an e-entrepreneurial business. Furthermore, this study genuinely addresses the role of risk propensity in impacting the youth intentions in e-entrepreneurial ventures mediated by perceived behavioural control. Therefore, this research study provides original and rich insights into youth attitudes towards and behaviours of launching online start-ups and significantly contributes to the body of the e-entrepreneurship literature

    Morphology Awareness in Vocabulary Construction

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    Vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and acquiring a rich vocabulary is essential for achieving fluency in the target language (TL). Morphology, the study of word formation, plays a critical role in building vocabulary. Morphology provides learners with an understanding of how words are constructed and how their forms change based on their use in sentences. Possessing sufficient knowledge and awareness of morphology can enhance learners’ ability to comprehend and produce words accurately in the TL. This research article provides a comprehensive theoretical explanation of the benefits of using morphology as an approach to constructing vocabulary. The article discusses the different ways new words are coined in various languages and how morphological processes can be used to create new words. Additionally, the article explores how morphological analysis can help learners understand the meaning of unfamiliar words based on their word parts. Moreover, the article emphasizes the importance of morphology awareness for TL learners and provides practical applications for incorporating morphology into vocabulary instruction. The article proposes that learners can benefit from explicitly teaching morphological rules, using morphological analysis to derive meaning from words, and encouraging learners to use morphological clues to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. In conclusion, possessing morphology awareness is crucial for TL learners to acquire a robust vocabulary. By understanding the principles of word formation and variation, learners can enhance their vocabulary acquisition and usage. This research article provides a theoretical foundation for incorporating morphology into vocabulary instruction and offers practical strategies for enhancing learners’ morphology awareness

    The Influence of demographic factors on the attitudes Dispositions of secondary school students toward physical activity

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    The primary objective of this study is to discern the inherent disposition of sports activity among students in the preparatory stage. Additionally, the study endeavors to ascertain the statistical importance of disparities in these attitudes based on gender (male and female), academic focus (scientific and literary), and academic year (tenth and eleventh). The investigation adopts a comparative descriptive methodology, and the study sample comprises a randomly selected cohort of 1435 students encompassing both genders. Rigorous assessment of the scale's validity and reliability was undertaken, and subsequently, the amassed data underwent statistical analysis using the SPSS software. The outcomes of the analysis disclose that students exhibit a favorable outlook on physical activity in a general context. Intriguingly, the analysis further indicates the absence of statistically significant differentiation in students' attitudes towards physical activity concerning the variables of gender, academic specialization, and grade. In light of these findings, it is recommended that concerted endeavors are channeled towards provisioning the requisite material and human resources to augment the landscape of scholastic sports. Moreover, a focused emphasis on physical education curriculum is encouraged, with the intent to enhance student awareness and foster more positive attitudes towards active engagement in sports

    Development modeling methods of analysis and synthesis of fingerprint deformations images

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    The current study is to develop modeling methods, Analysis and synthesis of fingerprints deformations images and their application in problems of automatic fingerprint identification. In the introduction justified urgency of the problem, is given a brief description of thematic publications. In this study will review of modern technologies of biometric technologies and methods of biometric identification, the review of fingerprint identification systems, investigate for distorting factors. The influence of deformations is singled out, the causes of deformation of fingerprints are analyzed. The review of modern ways of the account and modeling of deformations in problems of automatic fingerprint identification is given. The scientific novelty of the work is the development of information technologies for the analysis and synthesis of deformations of fingerprint images. The practical value of the work in the application of the developed methods, algorithms and information technologies in fingerprints identification systems. In addition, it has been found that our paper "devoted to research methods and synthesis of the fingerprint deformations" is a more appropriate choice than other papers